Fish2fork project
The Fish2Fork project is funded by the Blue Growth Program of the EEA Grants (Notice #5 – Education). The project aims to reduce the skills deficit and shortage of technical professionals with adequate qualifications for blue growth, from fish production in aquaculture or sea capture, to the end customer, in an improved fish2fork process. New technological approaches, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain (Bck), or Data Science, allow for better transparency, control the process of illegal fishing and have more efficient processes in fishing and aquaculture.
Start date: 10/19/2021
End date: 10/31/2023
Duration: 24 months

Main Achievements
3 new PhDs on topics relevant to the process of controlling illegal fishing and education in Summer Schools with ECTS.
The project partner donor will participate in the teaching process, doctoral supervision, seminars and dissemination process.
4 seminars for sharing information in the fisheries sector.
What will we do

To face such a huge challenge, we will implement a strategy, comprising the following concrete activities:
Highly specialized training, with three PhD students, in shared studies at Portuguese universities (ISCTE and IST) and at the INOV research institute with the University of Molde, Norway.
Joint research and training, to share knowledge from the Portuguese and Norwegian sides. Portuguese teachers will teach in Molde (this process is already in place) and Norwegian teachers will teach in Summer Schools in Portugal .
We will build a new set of teaching subjects such as IoT4Fishing, Blockchain4Fishing, DataScience4Fishing, Logistics and operations for fishing, and a set of existing related topics will be adapted for new courses in Portugal.
We will hold two Summer Schools, with 12 ECTS, open to all international students, which will lead to a new master’s degree in data science for the sea and related topics (to be done at ISCTE at the Business School).