MPP Project
The Persistent Runway Monitoring Project addresses an innovative solution on the monitoring and analysis of the airport runway status and operations made, without compromising airport operations.
Consortium: TECMIC- Tecnologias de Microelectrónica, S.A.(Coordinator/Company), ANA-Aeroportos de Portugal (End-User) and INOV-Instituto de Engenharia Sistemas e Cumputadores (R&Di)
Project starts in 16-08-2019
Project co-financed by: Centro 2020 Lisboa, 2020 Portugal2020 and UE
The objective of this Intelligent System for Monitoring Road Conditions, using Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) is to automated runway with no intrusive inspections provide fast, accurate, and non-subjective options for manual inspections. Compared with traditional manual qualitative surveys, it can also perform a quantitative analysis of the runway pavement. MPP can become an important tool in this automated process by detecting Foreign Object Debris (FOD), runway water contamination (detecting aquaplaning risk) and runway cracks and degradation.
The Pilot is installed at Lisbon Humberto Delgado Airport (LIS)